Pearl, Kingdom of Atlantia - Kingdom of Atlantia, SCA Inc

Atlantian Pearls

Ordered by SCA Name

Picture icon This icon indicates the member has a picture

Scroll icon This icon indicates the member has a scroll picture

Wreath icon This icon indicates the member is deceased

SCA Name Award Date Art/Science Current Location
May 23, 2009 (AS 44) Clothing
Textile/Fiber Arts
Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
 Member has picture October 5, 2013 (AS 48) Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
May 13, 2017 (AS 52) Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
August 6, 2018 (AS 53) Barony of Stierbach, Atlantia
August 9, 2023 (AS 58) Barony of Highland Foorde, Atlantia
January 27, 2024 (AS 58) Barony of Raven's Cove, Atlantia
Abe Akirakeiko July 22, 2006 (AS 41) Diverse Arts Barony of Stierbach, Atlantia
Adelaide Half Pint November 6, 2021 (AS 56) Shire of Roxbury Mill, Atlantia
Adelicia of Cumbria April 7, 2001 (AS 35) Clothing Barony of Tir-y-Don, Atlantia
Adriana of Hawkwood September 7, 1991 (AS 26) Weaving Kingdom of East
Áedán Aylwyn  Member has picture May 27, 2017 (AS 52) Barony of Caer Mear, Atlantia
Aelfred of Cres  Member has picture March 12, 1988 (AS 22) Canton of Cydllan Downs, Atlantia
Aelia Suphunibal March 27, 2021 (AS 55) Barony of Highland Foorde, Atlantia
Aemilia Rosa October 1, 2016 (AS 51) Barony of Bright Hills, Atlantia
Aenor d'Anjou  Member has picture July 12, 1998 (AS 33) Clothing - 12 century focus, accessories and garments Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
Ahmed Mustafa January 21, 2023 (AS 57) Barony of Sacred Stone, Atlantia
Aileen McDonagh October 5, 1996 (AS 31) Barony of Marinus, Atlantia
Ailis inghean uí Bhriain March 2, 2024 (AS 58) Shire of Roxbury Mill, Atlantia
Aislinn de Belleme September 24, 1988 (AS 23) Clothing Barony of Sacred Stone, Atlantia
Aislinn Schattenwald  Member is deceased - 8/1/2008 September 21, 1985 (AS 20) Dance - middle eastern Barony of Nottinghill Coill, Atlantia
Aislynn of Jarrow  Member has picture January 8, 1994 (AS 28) Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia
Alain ap Dafydd May 5, 2018 (AS 53) Barony of Sacred Stone, Atlantia
Alderet de Marjolet November 22, 2014 (AS 49) Barony of Caer Mear, Atlantia
Aldred Blackwood October 11, 2003 (AS 38) Metalwork
Barony of Black Diamond, Atlantia
Alesia Gillefalyn September 23, 2017 (AS 52) Canton of Ritterwald, Atlantia
Alesia la Sabia de Murcia May 26, 2001 (AS 36) Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia
Alessandra da Venizia September 18, 2010 (AS 45) Barony of Highland Foorde, Atlantia
Alexander Ivanoff February 27, 1993 (AS 27) Unknown
Alexander of Cumberlande January 20, 1990 (AS 24) Armoring Barony of Calafia, Caid
Alexandria Wright February 11, 2023 (AS 57) Barony of Bright Hills, Atlantia
Alfarinn Válason January 7, 2023 (AS 57) Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
Alianora Munro May 13, 2000 (AS 35) Embroidery
Barony of Lochmere, Atlantia
Alicia of Cambion January 19, 2019 (AS 53) Barony of Storvik, Atlantia
Alienora na Coille January 12, 1991 (AS 25) Barony of Tir-y-Don, Atlantia
Alina Silverthorne  Member has picture August 6, 2007 (AS 42) Textile/Fiber Arts Barony of Bright Hills, Atlantia
Allasondrea de Fano  Member has picture September 4, 1993 (AS 28) Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia
Alyson of Islay July 29, 1978 (AS 13) Clothing - 16th cen. Barony of Storvik, Atlantia
Álæifr Ágautsson March 2, 2024 (AS 58) Shire of Spiaggia Levantina, Atlantia
Amalia Kunne May 18, 2013 (AS 48) Barony of Dun Carraig, Atlantia
Ambra Micheli August 14, 2006 (AS 41) Unknown
Amie Sparrow November 21, 2009 (AS 44) Clothing - German peasant
Embroidery - English
Barony of Stierbach, Atlantia
Aminah bint al-Megal'lid October 8, 2011 (AS 46) Unknown
Amira of Raven's Cove May 5, 2018 (AS 53) Barony of Raven's Cove, Atlantia
Amos the Pious March 16, 2017 (AS 51) Barony of Caer Mear, Atlantia
Ana Beig de Rosslyn July 12, 2008 (AS 43) Shire of Isenfir, Atlantia
Ana Ilevna May 17, 1997 (AS 32) Kingdom of East
Anarra Karlsdottir July 12, 1997 (AS 32) Kingdom of East
Anastasia da Firenze July 10, 1999 (AS 34) Unknown
Anastasia dello Scudo Rosso March 4, 2000 (AS 34) Clothing Barony of Hidden Mountain, Atlantia
Anauved de Mona March 4, 2023 (AS 57) Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia
Andrew Grey of Blakehethe January 5, 2002 (AS 36) Clothing - shoes & patens
Diverse Arts
Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia
Angeline of the Grove September 7, 2019 (AS 54)
Fiber - weaving,clothing, spinning, nalbinding.
Shire of Spiaggia Levantina, Atlantia
Angharad verch Rhuawn  Member is deceased September 10, 1988 (AS 23) Diverse Arts Unknown
Anna Munro August 16, 1987 (AS 22) Lace-making Shire of Cathanar, Atlantia
Anna Ridley May 27, 2000 (AS 35) Calligraphy and Illumination
Weaving - Inkle loom
Canton of Elvegast, Atlantia
Anne d'Evreux September 25, 2021 (AS 56) Barony of Lochmere, Atlantia
Anne of Carthew  Member has picture March 25, 1995 (AS 29) Music - Choral and Instrumental Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia
Anne of Grenewode February 10, 2007 (AS 41) Canton of Nimenefeld, Atlantia
Annice Argent September 19, 2020 (AS 55) Barony of Sacred Stone, Atlantia
Annora Hall September 10, 2016 (AS 51) Barony of Sacred Stone, Atlantia
Aodh Marland  Member has picture January 14, 1995 (AS 29) Barony of Hidden Mountain, Atlantia
Arghylle Buchanan August 9, 2012 (AS 47) Barony of Lochmere, Atlantia
Ariane la Fileuse March 25, 1995 (AS 29) Unknown
Arianna Morgan April 21, 2001 (AS 35) Barony of Lochmere, Atlantia
Armand Vozon d'Angoumois April 25, 1981 (AS 15) Unknown
Arnbjorg Karlsdottir October 7, 2023 (AS 58) Barony of Stierbach, Atlantia
Arnoddr i Ongulseyju March 30, 2024 (AS 58) Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia
Arnora in Rauda May 25, 2024 (AS 59) Barony of Caer Mear, Atlantia
Arria Marina  Member has picture February 20, 2021 (AS 55) Barony of Hawkwood, Atlantia
Asim al-Talib February 7, 2004 (AS 38) Dance - Teaching, Performing
Research - Ottoman history & culture, Raqs (Middle Eastern Dance) history
Barony of Sacred Stone, Atlantia
Askold Brotamaðr  Member is deceased - 10/15/2019 August 8, 2007 (AS 42) Unknown
Assar merch Owen  Member is deceased - 8/19/2022 August 12, 1998 (AS 33) Toys/Games - dolls Barony of Tir-y-Don, Atlantia
Astrid Thorvardsdatter September 16, 2000 (AS 35) Barony of Sacred Stone, Atlantia
Aurelio Vitrisoni March 2, 2024 (AS 58) Shire of Roxbury Mill, Atlantia
Ava Trudine of Tregoenning  Member is deceased - 10/25/2021 September 9, 1989 (AS 24) Lace-making Canton of Falconcree, Atlantia
Ávarr Óláfsson August 14, 1996 (AS 31) Unknown
Avelina del Dolce August 8, 2019 (AS 54) Unknown
Avice Claremond April 1, 2017 (AS 51) Barony of Lochmere, Atlantia
Ayesha de Warwick July 19, 1980 (AS 15) Barony of Caer Mear, Atlantia
Azza al-Shirazi January 8, 2000 (AS 34) Lace-making - fingerloop braids
Music - hammered dulcimer and recorders
Canton of Salesberie Glen, Atlantia
Badouin MacKenzie of Balfour  Member has picture August 16, 1987 (AS 22) Barony of Storvik, Atlantia
Barddán Baird MacRiordan September 24, 1988 (AS 23) Unknown
Baroness Greta Klusenaere January 9, 1993 (AS 27) Calligraphy and Illumination
Diverse Arts
Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia
Beatrice La Grave June 19, 1999 (AS 34) Kingdom of Calontir
Beatrice von Staufen September 24, 1988 (AS 23) Clothing Canton of Salesberie Glen, Atlantia
Beatriz Aluares de la Oya November 21, 2009 (AS 44) Clothing - Spanish Barony of Highland Foorde, Atlantia
Belphoebe de Givet  Member has picture March 6, 2004 (AS 38) Embroidery
Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia
Benefse al-Rashida February 9, 2002 (AS 36) Canton of Cydllan Downs, Atlantia
Bera Thorbjarnardóttir January 11, 2003 (AS 37) Weaving Barony of Sacred Stone, Atlantia
Bleiddian y Llwynonn February 20, 1993 (AS 27) Weaving Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia
Blitha of Wolfhou April 9, 2005 (AS 39) Canton of Sudentorre, Atlantia
Bran Mydwynter August 10, 2022 (AS 57) Canton of Tear-Sea's Shore, Atlantia
Bran Trefonnen  Member is deceased - 11/14/2022 April 1, 1995 (AS 29) Calligraphy and Illumination
Canton of Charlesbury Crossing, Atlantia
Brandwyn Alston of the Rift May 14, 2005 (AS 40) Calligraphy and Illumination Kingdom of Trimaris
Branwen Madyn Wallis July 12, 1998 (AS 33) Needlework Barony of Bright Hills, Atlantia
Brian Crawford May 27, 2017 (AS 52) Brewing Barony of Tir-y-Don, Atlantia
Brian Killian the Red April 6, 2002 (AS 36) Metalwork Shire of Border Vale Keep, Atlantia
Briana Maclukas September 13, 2008 (AS 43) Kingdom of Atlantia
Briana Morgan of the Valley March 24, 2007 (AS 41) Diverse Arts
Barony of Stierbach, Atlantia
Brianna O'Dinneen May 27, 2006 (AS 41) Glasswork - Diamond Point Engraving on Glass Barony of Black Diamond, Atlantia
Brienna Llewellyn Lindsay February 3, 2007 (AS 41) Weaving - Tablet weaving - most forms
Weaving - Broad cloth - (fabric)
Barony of Bright Hills, Atlantia
Bríg ingen Érennaigh May 5, 2001 (AS 36) Calligraphy and Illumination Barony of Nottinghill Coill, Atlantia
Brig Kieran January 14, 1989 (AS 23) Brewing Canton of Elvegast, Atlantia
Brigantia ni Realda May 29, 1999 (AS 34) Music Barony of Caer Mear, Atlantia
Brighid ní Shirideáin  Member has picture March 2, 2002 (AS 36) Unknown
Brighid Nic Thighearnáin April 21, 2001 (AS 35) Unknown
Brigit Kelly MacLean January 11, 1997 (AS 31) Unknown
Brigit of Mercia April 5, 1997 (AS 31) Calligraphy and Illumination - scribe Barony of Marinus, Atlantia
Brocc the Smith January 14, 1989 (AS 23) Metalwork - blacksmithing Barony of Marinus, Atlantia
Brónach Nálbrjótr August 19, 1999 (AS 34) Barony of Lochmere, Atlantia
Brunhilde Jorgesdottir October 18, 1986 (AS 21) Unknown
Bryan Morgan March 4, 2006 (AS 40) Dance - European Renaissance Dance Shire of Isenfir, Atlantia
Bryce de Byram  Member has picture April 20, 1996 (AS 30) Trobar - The art of the Troubadour. Barony of Caer Mear, Atlantia
Brynna of Aelfstanbury September 24, 1988 (AS 23) Shire of Border Vale Keep, Atlantia
Caelain Grantaich May 28, 2016 (AS 51) Barony of Caer Mear, Atlantia
Caemfind ingen Chobthaig March 21, 1998 (AS 32) Clothing Barony of Caer Mear, Atlantia
Cairistiona de Coueran May 28, 2011 (AS 46) Canton of Sudentorre, Atlantia
Caitilin Inghean Fheichin June 3, 2017 (AS 52) Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia
Caitlin August 7, 2024 (AS 59) Barony of Bright Hills, Atlantia
Caitlín Cheannláidir  Member is deceased - 5/2/2007 October 18, 1997 (AS 32) Glasswork Barony of Storvik, Atlantia
Caitlin ni hArrachtain January 5, 1985 (AS 19) Diverse Arts Barony of Marinus, Atlantia
Caleb of Caer Mear January 10, 2009 (AS 43) Barony of Caer Mear, Atlantia
Callixtus Gill February 27, 2016 (AS 50) Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
Cataldo Querini March 6, 2021 (AS 55) Shire of Isenfir, Atlantia
Catalina D'Isenfir January 13, 2024 (AS 58) Dance - Gresley Dance Manuscript research and reconstruction, teaching, performance
Shire of Isenfir, Atlantia
Catarina Caravello January 14, 2012 (AS 46) Clothing Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
Caterina Leonora de Forza d'Agro  Member has picture August 16, 1987 (AS 22) Shire of Roxbury Mill, Atlantia
Caterina Lucrezia da Bergamo February 15, 2003 (AS 37) Unknown
Catherine de Bellefleur January 15, 1983 (AS 17) Clothing Barony of Marinus, Atlantia
Catherine Grace Fitzlewis August 8, 2007 (AS 42) Clothing Barony of Storvik, Atlantia
Ceara of Novgorod May 19, 2018 (AS 53) Barony of Nottinghill Coill, Atlantia
Cecily de Stafford  Member is deceased September 1, 2001 (AS 36) Canton of Falconcree, Atlantia
Celia of Rosedale  Member has picture February 21, 2004 (AS 38) Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia
Celynen of Stow-on-the-Wold August 16, 1995 (AS 30) Calligraphy and Illumination Principality of Mists, West
Ceridwen ferch Owain March 6, 1993 (AS 27) Barony of Dun Carraig, Atlantia
Chagan Khulan, Baghshi August 16, 2006 (AS 41) Research - Mongolian culture in general Barony of Bright Hills, Atlantia
Chirhart Blackstar  Member is deceased - 6/23/2019 August 8, 2007 (AS 42) Barony of Bright Hills, Atlantia
Christian Thomas of York  Member has picture February 18, 2023 (AS 57) Barony of Sacred Stone, Atlantia
Christian von Nürnberg May 11, 2024 (AS 59) Barony of Sacred Stone, Atlantia
Christiana dello Falco January 11, 1997 (AS 31) Barony of Nottinghill Coill, Atlantia
Christiana filia Clarae Fayreclought August 12, 1998 (AS 33) Unknown
Christiana Iarina Chaykinaia  Member has scroll picture December 15, 2007 (AS 42) Barony of Lochmere, Atlantia
Christophe of Grey  Member is deceased - 11/19/2018 April 11, 2015 (AS 49) Canton of Crois Brigte, Atlantia
Christopher MacConing July 11, 2009 (AS 44) Barony of Dun Carraig, Atlantia
Ciarán Mac Breandáin February 27, 2021 (AS 55) Music - Research and transcription, composition, performance
Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
Ciaran of Kells October 9, 1982 (AS 17) Unknown
Clara Huttmacher May 7, 2022 (AS 57) Shire of Roxbury Mill, Atlantia
Clare de Crecy January 11, 1986 (AS 20) Diverse Arts
Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
Clare Hele February 9, 2002 (AS 36) Ceramics / Pottery
Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
Collwen ferch Dafydd Caerllion March 5, 2005 (AS 39) Canton of Saint Georges, Atlantia
Colum Maxwell August 13, 2003 (AS 38) Research - Leatherwork Primary Barony of Stierbach, Atlantia
Cordelia FitzRobert of York November 2, 2002 (AS 37) Cooking Barony of Bright Hills, Atlantia
Cormac mac Cluin January 16, 1988 (AS 22) Calligraphy and Illumination
Clothing - 16th cen. Irish
Barony of Tir-y-Don, Atlantia
Corun MacAnndra March 6, 1999 (AS 33) Barony of Lochmere, Atlantia
Corvo Falegname May 6, 2017 (AS 52) Barony of Black Diamond, Atlantia
Corwyn Wodewarde  Member is deceased - 10/23/2010 January 11, 1992 (AS 26) Woodworking Canton of Falconcree, Atlantia
Costança Daguiar August 9, 2023 (AS 58) Shire of Isenfir, Atlantia
Cuán MacDaige September 6, 2003 (AS 38) Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
Cunen Beornhelm January 14, 1989 (AS 23) Calligraphy and Illumination Kingdom of Æthelmearc
Cyneswith the Quiet January 23, 2021 (AS 55) Calligraphy and Illumination - plus paint making
Glasswork - Stained Glass
Canton of Brockore Abbey, Atlantia
Cynthia Anne of Silver Lakes January 15, 2022 (AS 56) Barony of Stierbach, Atlantia
Dafydd ap Gwystl April 4, 1987 (AS 21) Shire of Roxbury Mill, Atlantia
Dagny austkona August 9, 2023 (AS 58) Barony of Bright Hills, Atlantia
Dame Emma West August 6, 2015 (AS 50) Clothing - German, Roman, English
Barony of Lochmere, Atlantia
Damon Argent November 12, 1994 (AS 29) Leatherwork Unknown
Daniel of Rutland  Member has picture September 12, 1992 (AS 27) Barony of Highland Foorde, Atlantia
Daniela Schwartzhaupt  Member has picture May 7, 2005 (AS 40) Calligraphy and Illumination - of Kingdom level scrolls
Research - period pigments and how to create period paints, as well as, research of all forms of manuscripts in period including maps.
Barony of Bright Hills, Atlantia
Dante di Pietro  Member has scroll picture May 24, 2008 (AS 43) Research - Historic Martial Arts-- Italian Rapier Barony of Caer Mear, Atlantia
Declan Mac Dockery April 16, 2005 (AS 39) Brewing Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
Deirdre Morgan November 7, 1992 (AS 27) Lace-making Canton of Falconcree, Atlantia
Deirdre O'Bardon January 13, 2018 (AS 52) Poetry Barony of Bright Hills, Atlantia
Deirdre O'Siodhachain July 16, 1988 (AS 23) Shire of Isenfir, Atlantia
Deirdre of Boolteens March 2, 1996 (AS 30) Lace-making
Kingdom of An Tir
Delecta Diana d'Averno May 28, 2022 (AS 57) Barony of Marinus, Atlantia
Delia Flammen December 8, 2018 (AS 53) Barony of Nottinghill Coill, Atlantia
Demetria degli Stasi October 28, 2000 (AS 35) Music Canton of Baelfire Dunn, Atlantia
Denis de Dijon January 5, 2002 (AS 36) Barony of Bright Hills, Atlantia
Derbhiled ni Liadhnáin January 11, 1992 (AS 26) Bardic Barony of Hawkwood, Atlantia
Deryk of Connemara November 20, 2004 (AS 39) Barony of Nottinghill Coill, Atlantia
Dobroshka Iz Oka May 5, 2018 (AS 53) Barony of Hawkwood, Atlantia
Dolce dei Bracchi May 28, 2016 (AS 51) Unknown
Dominick Elphinstone February 26, 2011 (AS 45) Barony of Lochmere, Atlantia
Dougal MacEwan April 1, 1995 (AS 29) Unknown
Dreux d'Anjou  Member has picture  Member has scroll picture February 22, 2014 (AS 48) Knitting
Textile/Fiber Arts
Shire of Border Vale Keep, Atlantia
Drogo Rainulf de Dragonera November 19, 2022 (AS 57) Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia
Dunstan le Heryngmongere  Member has picture August 17, 2005 (AS 40) Bardic
Diverse Arts
Canton of Buckston-on-Eno, Atlantia
Eadric the Potter June 24, 2006 (AS 41) Ceramics / Pottery Barony of Highland Foorde, Atlantia
Eadulf Beornwaldes sunu October 21, 2023 (AS 58) Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
Eadyth Woderose March 6, 2021 (AS 55) Barony of Caer Mear, Atlantia
Ealawynn Mæru March 27, 2021 (AS 55) Shire of Roxbury Mill, Atlantia
Earnwynn van Zwaluwenburg July 12, 1997 (AS 32) Weaving Barony of Lochmere, Atlantia
Edgar refskegg December 12, 2020 (AS 55) Barony of Lochmere, Atlantia
Edvard Gayer January 5, 2002 (AS 36) Dance Kingdom of Middle
Edward de Clare July 12, 2008 (AS 43) Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia
Efenwealt Wystle  Member has picture January 6, 1996 (AS 30) Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
Egill Gullbjarnarson March 17, 2006 (AS 40) Barony of Sacred Stone, Atlantia
Eilionora inghean an Bhaird April 13, 2024 (AS 58) Barony of Lochmere, Atlantia
Eilon bat Miriam August 4, 2015 (AS 50) Diverse Arts - Ottoman Persona, leatherworking, brewing Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
Elaina de Sinistre April 7, 1984 (AS 18) Kingdom of Outlands
Elazar of Northumbria May 4, 2024 (AS 59) Canton of Ritterwald, Atlantia
Eldred Ælfwald November 18, 2000 (AS 35) Calligraphy and Illumination Barony of Nottinghill Coill, Atlantia
Eldrid Tremayne  Member is deceased - 12/2/2018 January 10, 1987 (AS 21) Armoring Canton of Buckston-on-Eno, Atlantia
Eleanor Hamilton May 26, 1996 (AS 31) Barony of Bright Hills, Atlantia
Eleanor of Grey February 14, 2009 (AS 43) Barony of Sacred Stone, Atlantia
Elias de Birton May 25, 2024 (AS 59) Unknown
Elien Rosamund March 3, 1989 (AS 23) Needlework Barony of Storvik, Atlantia
Elisabeth MacAlester of Kintyre March 25, 1995 (AS 29) Knitting Shire of Isenfir, Atlantia
Elisena the Graceless, called Nelli January 16, 1988 (AS 22) Diverse Arts Unknown
Elishabeth de Avignon January 10, 2009 (AS 43) Shire of Roxbury Mill, Atlantia
Elizabeth Beaufort April 7, 1984 (AS 18) Shire of Roxbury Mill, Atlantia
Elizabeth Canynges the Ravenhaired December 9, 2023 (AS 58) Canton of Falconcree, Atlantia
Elizabeth de Spaldyng February 26, 2023 (AS 57) Incipient Shire of Ursus Bay, Atlantia
Elizabeth of Hadley Hall January 10, 2009 (AS 43) Cooking
Calligraphy and Illumination
Diverse Arts
Barony of Stierbach, Atlantia
Elliott de Bletsho February 18, 2023 (AS 57) Canton of Sudentorre, Atlantia
Ellisif Gyðadottir February 23, 2019 (AS 53) Weaving - Brocade tablet weaving Shire of Border Vale Keep, Atlantia
Elspet Byndelase  Member has picture May 28, 2005 (AS 40) Clothing - esp. headwear
Culture - 14th &15th Cen. Western Europe
Barony of Lochmere, Atlantia
Elspeth nic Chormaic August 12, 1992 (AS 27) Unknown
Emelyn Pacok March 8, 1997 (AS 31) Needlework - Beading Kingdom of Artemisia
Enid nic Eoin February 25, 1995 (AS 29) Calligraphy and Illumination Kingdom of Calontir
Eoghan Òg Mac Labhrainn June 13, 1998 (AS 33) Barony of Hawkwood, Atlantia
Eórann O'Connor August 13, 1997 (AS 32) Barony of Dun Carraig, Atlantia
Eowyn ferch Rhys January 10, 1987 (AS 21) Unknown
Esa inghean Donnchaidh April 6, 2019 (AS 53) Barony of Caer Mear, Atlantia
Esme Bramley July 10, 2021 (AS 56) Incipient Canton of Moorhaven, Atlantia
Esmerelda Drake May 6, 1989 (AS 24) Barony of Sacred Stone, Atlantia
Esperanza Susanna Flecha March 29, 2014 (AS 48) Canton of Sudentorre, Atlantia
ETAIN OF SUTHERLAND September 2, 2006 (AS 41) Barony of Nottinghill Coill, Atlantia
Ethelfleda Daviðsdottir March 29, 2008 (AS 42) Barony of Storvik, Atlantia
Evan da Collaureo May 5, 2007 (AS 42) Music - Instrumental (woodwinds and brass) and choral singing Barony of Stierbach, Atlantia
Evelynne Merrymet June 23, 2016 (AS 51) Barony of Black Diamond, Atlantia
Faolan Mac Raghnaill February 8, 2020 (AS 54) Barony of Bright Hills, Atlantia
Faye Trees August 1, 2013 (AS 48) Shire of Roxbury Mill, Atlantia
Felicia of Storvik April 5, 1997 (AS 31) Music Unknown
Fernanda de la Forêt August 14, 1991 (AS 26) Kingdom of Middle
Fevronia Murometsa June 18, 1988 (AS 23) Music Barony of Storvik, Atlantia
Findlaech MacAlasdair July 10, 1999 (AS 34) Woodworking Shire of Isenfir, Atlantia
Fíne ingen Tomaltaig February 12, 2000 (AS 34) Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
Finnech inghean Labhrainn May 27, 2017 (AS 52) Barony of Raven's Cove, Atlantia
Fioré al-Rumi August 7, 2021 (AS 56) Barony of Caer Mear, Atlantia
Francesca di Corso May 5, 2018 (AS 53) Barony of Black Diamond, Atlantia
Francesca la Curiosa November 1, 1997 (AS 32) Lace-making - Bobbin Lace Canton of Buckston-on-Eno, Atlantia
Frederich von Teufen  Member is deceased January 20, 2007 (AS 41) Armoring Barony of Storvik, Atlantia
Freydís sjóna February 9, 2019 (AS 53) Barony of Bright Hills, Atlantia
Fritz Justus Fritz September 4, 1993 (AS 28) Cooking Barony of Caer Mear, Atlantia
Fuiltigherne ni Ruadh O'Finn March 5, 2005 (AS 39) Canton of Attilium, Atlantia
Fyen van Amsterdam January 7, 2023 (AS 57) Canton of Charlesbury Crossing, Atlantia
Galen mac Cuinnegáin May 5, 2018 (AS 53) Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
Galeran Chanterel  Member has picture  Member has scroll picture April 5, 2008 (AS 42) Music - harp, woodwinds, voice, percussion
Dance - European Renaissance Dance
Canton of Buckston-on-Eno, Atlantia
Galfrid atte Grene November 10, 2018 (AS 53) Barony of Dun Carraig, Atlantia
Galmr Ingolfsson January 14, 2012 (AS 46) Barony of Lochmere, Atlantia
Gawain Kilgore February 27, 1999 (AS 33) Leatherwork Barony of Sacred Stone, Atlantia
Geffrei Maudeleyne January 10, 2015 (AS 49) Barony of Sacred Stone, Atlantia
Geldamar le farceur April 14, 2018 (AS 52) Barony of Nottinghill Coill, Atlantia
Genefe Wölfelin June 22, 2013 (AS 48) Barony of Stierbach, Atlantia
Genevieve d'Aquitaine  Member has picture April 7, 2001 (AS 35) Research
Barony of Caer Mear, Atlantia
Genevieve Dampier de la Marche May 6, 2017 (AS 52) Glasswork - Glass Blowing: no beads or stained glass Barony of Lochmere, Atlantia
Genevote la Feseresse February 24, 2024 (AS 58) Barony of Black Diamond, Atlantia
Geoffrey Athos von Ulm  Member has picture February 16, 2013 (AS 47) Barony of Stierbach, Atlantia
Geoffrey Bourette  Member has picture February 24, 2007 (AS 41) Woodworking Barony of Dun Carraig, Atlantia
Geoffrey Clwyd June 20, 2009 (AS 44) Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia
Geoffrey d'Ayr of Montalban December 8, 2018 (AS 53) Cooking - Since 1972, Laurel in East 1984
Embroidery - Started in late 70's, still doing cross stitch, blackwork, have added Assissi work and German brick stitch
Clothing - Mainly do late period (15th - early 17th C), plus dabble in Japanese and some other exotic cultures - but almost all male garb.
Heraldy - Former Brigantia Herald of the East; currently Herald-at-large, doing name research and consulting
Textile/Fiber Arts - Slowly picking up kumihumo and card weaving; know more (from research and reading) about weaving than I actually do.
Canton of Tear-Sea's Shore, Atlantia
Gerhild the Willful February 10, 2001 (AS 35) Clothing - Elizabethan hats and ruffs Shire of Border Vale Keep, Atlantia
Gerlach Wiesengrund August 6, 2015 (AS 50) Woodworking
Diverse Arts
Shire of Isenfir, Atlantia
Giacomo Luciano Saviour Vincènti di Firenze October 18, 2014 (AS 49) Shire of Isenfir, Atlantia
Gianetta Veronese May 25, 2013 (AS 48) Clothing Barony of Caer Mear, Atlantia
Gideon Larsmið May 19, 2018 (AS 53) Barony of Hawkwood, Atlantia
Gillian Clayshaper  Member is deceased September 9, 1989 (AS 24) Ceramics / Pottery Canton of Cydllan Downs, Atlantia
Ginevra Fiammetta di Silvestri May 27, 2023 (AS 58) Barony of Caer Mear, Atlantia
Giovan Donado February 18, 2012 (AS 46) Canton of Buckston-on-Eno, Atlantia
Giovanna Maria Hunyadi di Ghiberti January 12, 1980 (AS 14) Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
Giuliana Salviati December 4, 1999 (AS 34) Diverse Arts Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia
Glaukos the Athenian August 9, 2023 (AS 58) Shire of Roxbury Mill, Atlantia
Goodwife Michel Almond de Champagne March 7, 2020 (AS 54) Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
Gordon Kinloch February 9, 2013 (AS 47) Barony of Bright Hills, Atlantia
Grace Gambel May 29, 1993 (AS 28) Clothing - 16th Cen. Shire of Isenfir, Atlantia
Grace Whytteng April 9, 2005 (AS 39) Barony of Stierbach, Atlantia
Graçia Esperança de Sevilla January 13, 2007 (AS 41) Cooking - especially Spanish, French and Italian Barony of Storvik, Atlantia
Graidhne ni Ruaidh May 23, 2009 (AS 44) Canton of Sudentorre, Atlantia
Grazia Morgano January 9, 2016 (AS 50) Clothing - focus is early 16th century Florentine Barony of Storvik, Atlantia
Greer Jonsdottir April 28, 2001 (AS 35) Diverse Arts - Psanky, sewing, cheesemaking Barony of Lochmere, Atlantia
Gregory Blount December 2, 1995 (AS 30) Music Kingdom of West
Gruffudd ap Cadfael September 1, 2007 (AS 42) Cooking Barony of Stierbach, Atlantia
Gudrun Ottosdottir May 29, 2004 (AS 39) Culture - Viking Barony of Caer Mear, Atlantia
Guenievre de Monmarche  Member has picture June 2, 2007 (AS 42) Cooking
Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
Guillaume au Serpent d'Or April 3, 1982 (AS 16) Embroidery Barony of Tir-y-Don, Atlantia
Gunther Ironwoode March 3, 1984 (AS 18) Unknown
Gusukuma Kame September 30, 2023 (AS 58) Shire of Roxbury Mill, Atlantia
Gwaeddan o Ystrad Llangollen January 10, 1987 (AS 21) Music Shire of Roxbury Mill, Atlantia
Gwendolyn of Arnfell September 24, 1977 (AS 12) Unknown
Gwenhwyfar Weale February 18, 2023 (AS 57) Canton of Elvegast, Atlantia
Gwerfyl verch Aneirin July 7, 2007 (AS 42) Calligraphy and Illumination Barony of Black Diamond, Atlantia
Gwynaeth Pembroke January 5, 2002 (AS 36) Unknown
Gwyneth merch Macsen February 17, 1979 (AS 13) Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
Gyrth Oldcastle of Ravenspur  Member has picture  Member is deceased - 11/12/2004 May 14, 1988 (AS 23) Poetry Shire of Roxbury Mill, Atlantia
Hagar the Black January 7, 1989 (AS 23) Embroidery Canton of Falconcree, Atlantia
Harper An Cu June 23, 2018 (AS 53) Barony of Highland Foorde, Atlantia
Hasanah bint Khalil al-Najjar October 31, 1992 (AS 27) Unknown
Havelyard of Bourne May 17, 1997 (AS 32) Unknown
Heather Hrafnsdottir May 11, 2024 (AS 59) Barony of Hawkwood, Atlantia
Heinrich Kreiner August 16, 1994 (AS 29) Barony of Bright Hills, Atlantia
Helen Whitmore March 5, 1994 (AS 28) Cooking
Barony of Caer Mear, Atlantia
Helena Hrolfsdottir September 21, 2019 (AS 54) Canton of Sudentorre, Atlantia
Helena Isabelle de Soleure January 19, 2019 (AS 53) Barony of Black Diamond, Atlantia
Helena Kassandreia November 19, 2022 (AS 57) Shire of Roxbury Mill, Atlantia
Helga Vilhjalmskona  Member has picture February 12, 2022 (AS 56) Kingdom of Atlantia
Helwynn Ivelchild June 8, 2007 (AS 42) Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
Henricus Guotman August 7, 2014 (AS 49) Cooking - Commercial bread baking Kingdom of Middle
Herveus d'Ormonde March 6, 1999 (AS 33) Weaving - Tablet weaving, in particular Barony of Storvik, Atlantia
Hildegard Bergerin  Member has picture February 23, 2019 (AS 53) Embroidery - Opus Anglicanum Barony of Sacred Stone, Atlantia
Hrefna in rauða Þorgrimsdottir January 10, 2004 (AS 38) Glasswork - The research and construction of historical Stained Glass
Clothing - The research and construction of 14th century clothing.
Barony of Sacred Stone, Atlantia
Hrosvitha von Celle  Member has scroll picture January 8, 2005 (AS 39) Clothing
Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
Hróðný Rognvaldsdóttir  Member has picture June 6, 1998 (AS 33) Embroidery
Barony of Marinus, Atlantia
Ia Anna Kazimova August 16, 1995 (AS 30) Clothing Barony of Sacred Stone, Atlantia
Igor Medvéd April 3, 1982 (AS 16) Cooking Barony of Storvik, Atlantia
Ihone Munro September 23, 2017 (AS 52) Barony of Sacred Stone, Atlantia
Ii Saburou Katsumori August 13, 2003 (AS 38) Barony of Stierbach, Atlantia
Ilaria de Gandia January 13, 2018 (AS 52) Barony of Storvik, Atlantia
Ilarion Ivanovich Drakonov September 17, 1994 (AS 29) Barony of Lochmere, Atlantia
Ilhuicacihuatl de Xochimilco November 4, 2023 (AS 58) Barony of Marinus, Atlantia
Imran Yosuf le Scorpioun  Member has picture October 4, 1986 (AS 21) Clothing Canton of Seven Hills, Atlantia
Inga Fostra inn Danska September 21, 2013 (AS 48) Barony of Caer Mear, Atlantia
Ingegerd Kastanrazi  Member has picture October 21, 2023 (AS 58) Calligraphy and Illumination - Both Calligraphy and Artistic drawing, painting, inking, some gilding, and some non traditional scrolls as well.
Ceramics / Pottery - Ceramics concentration for Art Ed degree using a wide breadth of techniques, firings, finishes, temp
Cooking - Professional experience as well as SCA experience, currently a full time Chef in a scratch based restaurant
Glasswork - Has experience teaching glassblowing as a college adjunct, mostly works with bead making currently and researching formulas and collecting materials to make batch from raw natural coastal materials.
Armoring - Emphasis on function and science informed injury prevention with attempts to disguise 21st century appearances.
Incipient Shire of Ursus Bay, Atlantia
Ioannes Nikaias May 2, 1981 (AS 16) Kingdom of Calontir
Isabel Henry November 18, 2017 (AS 52) Unknown
Isabel Ulfsdottir  Member has picture May 28, 2005 (AS 40) Kingdom of Atlantia
Isabella Stere October 3, 1992 (AS 27) Barony of Highland Foorde, Atlantia
Isabelle Lafara June 29, 2019 (AS 54) Canton of Middlegate, Atlantia
Iselda de Narbonne March 2, 2024 (AS 58) Shire of Roxbury Mill, Atlantia
Isemay the Nimble August 9, 2012 (AS 47) Barony of Black Diamond, Atlantia
Iseulte of the Red Cliffs  Member has picture May 29, 2004 (AS 39) Diverse Arts Barony of Caer Mear, Atlantia
Ishmael Stedfast Reed May 25, 2019 (AS 54) Shire of Roxbury Mill, Atlantia
Iskender Bey al-Istanbuli  Member has picture June 28, 2003 (AS 38) Clothing - Elizabethan Barony of Sacred Stone, Atlantia
Isobel Bedingfield (Gildingwater of Ditchingham) January 9, 1993 (AS 27) Calligraphy and Illumination Barony of Caer Mear, Atlantia
Isobel of Carnewyth November 20, 2021 (AS 56) Barony of Stierbach, Atlantia
James Byngham February 12, 2000 (AS 34) Casting Canton of Elvegast, Atlantia
James de Biblesworth  Member has picture January 7, 2006 (AS 40) Clothing Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia
James of Middle Aston February 15, 2003 (AS 37) Poetry - Mostly Welsh Poetic Forms Canton of Buckston-on-Eno, Atlantia
James of Rutland January 12, 1991 (AS 25) Barony of Highland Foorde, Atlantia
Jamie de Javaudan April 7, 2001 (AS 35) Unknown
Janina Krakowska April 3, 1982 (AS 16) Clothing
Calligraphy and Illumination
Barony of Storvik, Atlantia
Janyn Fletcher of Lancastreschire  Member is deceased - 4/29/2023 June 3, 2017 (AS 52) Barony of Bright Hills, Atlantia
Jason Michael of Andover September 15, 1979 (AS 14) Armoring Canton of Charlesbury Crossing, Atlantia
Jaudin Guillaume May 29, 1999 (AS 34) Barony of Lochmere, Atlantia
Jdeke von Kolberg January 13, 2024 (AS 58) Barony of Sacred Stone, Atlantia
Jeane Kilmeny May 29, 2021 (AS 56) Barony of Caer Mear, Atlantia
Jeanmaire du Domremy  Member has picture January 5, 1985 (AS 19) Clothing - Elizabethan will always be my first love.
Weaving - Band weaving - both inkle and tablet.
Dance - Not as spry anymore, but I can still teach.
Brewing - Extract only. I'm not a serious brewer.
Barony of Highland Foorde, Atlantia
Jehan Yves de Chateau Thiery  Member is deceased April 21, 2001 (AS 35) Brewing Shire of Caer Adamant, East
Jehannette de Provins February 11, 2006 (AS 40) Kingdom of Northshield
Johann Caldron January 6, 1996 (AS 30) Clothing - shoes
Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
Johann von Solothurn January 9, 2016 (AS 50) Bardic
Barony of Black Diamond, Atlantia
Johanna le Paumer February 16, 2019 (AS 53) Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia
Johanna von den Glocken March 3, 1990 (AS 24) Unknown
Johanna von Sudeborn June 3, 2017 (AS 52) Barony of Storvik, Atlantia
John Biggeheved March 2, 2019 (AS 53) Barony of Tir-y-Don, Atlantia
John le Burguillun  Member has picture August 12, 1998 (AS 33) Cooking Barony of Nottinghill Coill, Atlantia
John of Fordington September 26, 1992 (AS 27) Barony of Tir-y-Don, Atlantia
Jonathan Blackbow June 19, 2010 (AS 45) Poetry - Viking poetry Barony of Sacred Stone, Atlantia
Jonathas Reinisch November 6, 2021 (AS 56) Barony of Dun Carraig, Atlantia
Jordre Pargon of Windhover's Reach September 8, 1984 (AS 19) Unknown
Jorunn nic Lochlainn January 7, 1989 (AS 23) Clothing - glove-making Barony of Hidden Mountain, Atlantia
Joscelin d'Outremer May 16, 2015 (AS 50) Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia
Joseph of Clairidge September 8, 1984 (AS 19) Unknown
Judith de Northumbria October 6, 2001 (AS 36) Dance Principality of Mists, West
Judith von Gruenwald September 9, 1989 (AS 24) Cooking Barony of Nottinghill Coill, Atlantia
Julianna Fiorentini  Member has picture November 20, 2004 (AS 39) Calligraphy and Illumination - esp. Penwork/Cadels; Period Legal Documents Barony of Hidden Mountain, Atlantia
Julitta des Chevaux  Member is deceased - 6/8/2023 July 18, 1992 (AS 27) Unknown
Justus de Tyre  Member has picture May 29, 2005 (AS 40) Woodworking
Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
Kaleeb al-Akhdar March 24, 2007 (AS 41) Barony of Tir-y-Don, Atlantia
Kara von Brandenburg February 27, 1988 (AS 22) Brewing Unknown
Karen Larsdatter July 10, 1999 (AS 34) Barony of Stierbach, Atlantia
Karin Taylor de Cameron March 30, 2024 (AS 58) Barony of Stierbach, Atlantia
Karl Haraldsson January 10, 2009 (AS 43) Brewing Kingdom of Atlantia
Katarzyna Witkowska June 1, 2013 (AS 48) Barony of Bright Hills, Atlantia
Katerina das Vögelein February 3, 2007 (AS 41) Clothing Barony of Bright Hills, Atlantia
Kateryn Rous May 26, 2001 (AS 36) Unknown
Kateryne Ferneley November 22, 2014 (AS 49) Barony of Caer Mear, Atlantia
Katharine Devereaux August 16, 2006 (AS 41) Clothing - 15th century
Clothing - Patterning
Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia
Katharine Wulfesege February 13, 1999 (AS 33) Barony of Hawkwood, Atlantia
Katherine Maunsel September 13, 2003 (AS 38) Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
Katherine Sharpe August 12, 1998 (AS 33) Barony of Highland Foorde, Atlantia
Kay Delafleur January 13, 1979 (AS 13) Dance Kingdom of Outlands
Keilyn FitzWarin  Member has picture October 5, 1991 (AS 26) Barony of Lochmere, Atlantia
Kerry of Clairidge March 12, 1988 (AS 22) Unknown
Khadir bar Yosef ha-Kuzari February 26, 2011 (AS 45) Barony of Dun Carraig, Atlantia
Kharajin of Turku January 13, 2024 (AS 58) Barony of Sacred Stone, Atlantia
Kisaiya Zingara January 10, 2004 (AS 38) Research - Research on Ottoman Turkey and ME Dance Barony of Sacred Stone, Atlantia
Klaus Jäger  Member has picture January 28, 2017 (AS 51) Barony of Hawkwood, Atlantia
Kofryna the Goatherd June 19, 1999 (AS 34) Barony of Highland Foorde, Atlantia
Kolfinna Valravn December 12, 2020 (AS 55) Calligraphy and Illumination Shire of Roxbury Mill, Atlantia
Kryss Kostarev  Member has picture August 10, 2022 (AS 57) Barony of Lochmere, Atlantia
Kyneburh Boithuile October 13, 2001 (AS 36) Clothing - 15th cen. Barony of Stierbach, Atlantia
Labhaiose inghean ui Raghailligh February 14, 1998 (AS 32) Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
Laeghaire O Laverty  Member has picture November 14, 1992 (AS 27) Woodworking
Culture - 15th cen.
Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia
Laelia Sulpiciana December 15, 2007 (AS 42) Clothing - Imperial Rome Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia
Lanea inghean Uí Chiaragáin March 16, 2017 (AS 51) Bardic Shire of Roxbury Mill, Atlantia
Larissa Mikhailovna February 22, 2014 (AS 48) Embroidery Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
Lasair Burke July 12, 1997 (AS 32) Unknown
Lavinia of Catmere December 10, 1994 (AS 29) Barony of Black Diamond, Atlantia
Leofwynne le Glasyer  Member has picture  Member has scroll picture March 4, 2006 (AS 40) Glasswork Barony of Caer Mear, Atlantia
Lerben of Cambion May 16, 1987 (AS 22) Barony of Storvik, Atlantia
Letia Thistelthueyt February 18, 2012 (AS 46) Barony of Lochmere, Atlantia
Lewis MacGregor January 12, 1980 (AS 14) Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
Lidia de Ragusa  Member has picture May 20, 2006 (AS 41) Textile/Fiber Arts - Spinning, knitting Canton of Aire Faucon, Atlantia
Lilliane de L'Aleyzanne January 1, 1995 (AS 29) Unknown
Linnet del Grenewode May 26, 2012 (AS 47) Unknown
Lisette la Rouxe February 26, 2011 (AS 45) Barony of Lochmere, Atlantia
Livia Zanna July 7, 2007 (AS 42) Calligraphy and Illumination Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
Llwyd Aldrydd  Member has picture November 1, 2014 (AS 49) - Historic Marshal Arts Barony of Tir-y-Don, Atlantia
Lokinvaldr Karlsson March 3, 1984 (AS 18) Unknown
Lorelei Greenleafe  Member has picture November 17, 2018 (AS 53) Barony of Sacred Stone, Atlantia
Louise de La Mare June 24, 2006 (AS 41) Clothing - Garb is why I joined the SCA I don't do strong persona play because that would require that I narrow down my garb choices. Sooo much garb so little time to sew.
Embroidery - I like embroidery. I find it very relaxing. Though I primarily study it to enhance my garb.
Canton of Charlesbury Crossing, Atlantia
Luce Antony Venus August 18, 2004 (AS 39) Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia
Lucia Bellini  Member has picture February 27, 1999 (AS 33) Calligraphy and Illumination Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
Lucien de la Rochelle January 12, 2008 (AS 42) - Cryptography - Period ciphers and codes Canton of Saint Georges, Atlantia
Lucius Aurelius Valharic  Member has picture August 16, 2006 (AS 41) Cooking Kingdom of Atenveldt
Lupus the Mad  Member is deceased August 14, 1991 (AS 26) Unknown
Lyanna of Bergental April 1, 1995 (AS 29) Kingdom of East
Lynette Semere May 18, 2013 (AS 48) Barony of Stierbach, Atlantia
MaalineRenard January 31, 2009 (AS 43) Barony of Black Diamond, Atlantia
Machteld Cleine November 6, 2021 (AS 56) Canton of Cydllan Downs, Atlantia
Maelgwn ap Gruffydd April 23, 1994 (AS 28) Barony of Lochmere, Atlantia
Magda z Stalburg May 23, 2009 (AS 44) Barony of Caer Mear, Atlantia
Magdalena Sanguigni August 10, 2011 (AS 46) Barony of Caer Mear, Atlantia
Magnus Malleus June 22, 1991 (AS 26) Casting Canton of Elvegast, Atlantia
Malkin Grey January 8, 1983 (AS 17) Bardic Kingdom of East
Manus MacDhai August 17, 2000 (AS 35) Canton of Elvegast, Atlantia
Marc d'Aubigny August 28, 2010 (AS 45) Barony of Sacred Stone, Atlantia
Marcellus Capoziello da Napoli May 24, 2008 (AS 43) Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia
Margaret Cameron July 17, 1982 (AS 17) Barony of Caer Mear, Atlantia
Margaret Cameron August 6, 2015 (AS 50) Barony of Caer Mear, Atlantia
Margaret Cochrane November 11, 2006 (AS 41) Music - bagpipes
Cooking - especially baking
Fiber - weaving, knitting
Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
Margaret Drysllwyn of Dunroth September 9, 1989 (AS 24) Unknown
Margaret Johanna van Artevelde  Member is deceased April 7, 1984 (AS 18) Weaving Barony of Nottinghill Coill, Atlantia
Margaret Lad October 7, 2023 (AS 58) Diverse Arts - Clothing, embroidery, painting, metal working Shire of Isenfir, Atlantia
Margaret Wolseley September 3, 2011 (AS 46) Canton of Buckston-on-Eno, Atlantia
Margery Winterbourne April 30, 2005 (AS 39) Calligraphy and Illumination Barony of Lochmere, Atlantia
Margherita Battistina August 9, 2012 (AS 47) Shire of Spiaggia Levantina, Atlantia
Margherita la Tessitrice July 12, 1997 (AS 32) Weaving Barony of Bright Hills, Atlantia
Margrét Eyverska  Member has picture November 17, 2001 (AS 36) Barony of Marinus, Atlantia
Marguerite de Lyon March 24, 2018 (AS 52) Barony of Dun Carraig, Atlantia
Marguerite Honoree du Cheneau October 7, 2023 (AS 58) Barony of Storvik, Atlantia
Maria Beatriz Moro October 12, 1996 (AS 31) Canton of Buckston-on-Eno, Atlantia
Mariana de Salamanca February 22, 2014 (AS 48) Kingdom of Ansteorra
Mariana Francisco May 28, 2011 (AS 46) Barony of Tir-y-Don, Atlantia
Mariana Ruiz de Medina March 4, 2023 (AS 57) Clothing - Late period Spain
Cooking - Late period Spain
Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia
Marie Hélène of the New Forest January 23, 2021 (AS 55) Barony of Nottinghill Coill, Atlantia
Marie-Simone de Barjavel 'la Fildena January 16, 1988 (AS 22) Diverse Arts Canton of Cydllan Downs, Atlantia
Marina Wymarc March 2, 2024 (AS 58) Unknown
Marion le Red January 8, 2011 (AS 45) Jewelry
Diverse Arts
Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
Mariss Ghijs March 5, 2016 (AS 50) Embroidery Barony of Tir-y-Don, Atlantia
Marta de Lyon March 2, 2024 (AS 58) Barony of Lochmere, Atlantia
Martelle von Charlottenburg  Member has picture  Member has scroll picture January 7, 2006 (AS 40) Embroidery Barony of Marinus, Atlantia
Mary Grace of Gatland March 17, 2023 (AS 57) Kingdom of Atlantia
Mary Isabel of Heatherstone  Member has picture November 17, 2018 (AS 53) Barony of Dun Carraig, Atlantia
Matheu de Torriden May 25, 2013 (AS 48) Barony of Tir-y-Don, Atlantia
Mathilde Bourette  Member has picture August 16, 2006 (AS 41) Clothing Barony of Dun Carraig, Atlantia
Maugorn the Stray August 4, 2024 (AS 59) Barony of Storvik, Atlantia
Mavi of Misthaven April 30, 1988 (AS 22) Cooking
Diverse Arts
Barony of Caer Mear, Atlantia
Maymunah bint Da'ud al-Siqilliyah August 12, 1998 (AS 33) Kingdom of Gleann Abhann
Meadhbh the Handy February 26, 2011 (AS 45) Barony of Sacred Stone, Atlantia
Megan O'Donnelly August 14, 1996 (AS 31) Weaving - Tablet-weaving Barony of Storvik, Atlantia
Megara di Alessandra  Member is deceased - 6/9/2023 January 8, 1983 (AS 17) Canton of Tear-Sea's Shore, Atlantia
Meghan MacLachlan August 12, 1992 (AS 27) Calligraphy and Illumination Unknown
Meghan Pengwyn of Wynterwood  Member is deceased - 6/23/2006 July 19, 1986 (AS 21) Cooking Kingdom of Trimaris
MeiLan Hua February 24, 2024 (AS 58) Canton of Attilium, Atlantia
Melcher Lloyd of Hawkwood September 7, 2024 (AS 59) Barony of Hawkwood, Atlantia
Melchior zum grauen Wolf  Member has picture February 8, 2020 (AS 54) Research - Cryptography Research Barony of Lochmere, Atlantia
Melisande de Belvoir April 27, 1985 (AS 19) Cooking Shire of Roxbury Mill, Atlantia
Menua of Black Oak Grove May 19, 2007 (AS 42) Barony of Hawkwood, Atlantia
Merovechus de Blariaco December 9, 2023 (AS 58) Canton of Cydllan Downs, Atlantia
Merwenna of Rannowe May 28, 2011 (AS 46) Calligraphy and Illumination Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
Michael of Bedford May 2, 1981 (AS 16) Armoring Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
Michel von Schönsee January 7, 2006 (AS 40) Brewing Barony of Bright Hills, Atlantia
Miguel Estevan de Cabra  Member has scroll picture January 8, 2005 (AS 39) Woodworking Barony of Highland Foorde, Atlantia
Mikhail Chaika Pavlov syn Novgorodets July 12, 2008 (AS 43) Barony of Lochmere, Atlantia
Minowara Kiritsubo  Member has picture  Member is deceased - 3/16/2011 July 19, 1986 (AS 21) Diverse Arts - Fabric design/ornamentation Barony of Dun Carraig, Atlantia
Miri Nader May 26, 2018 (AS 53) Kingdom of Artemisia
Miriam Esther bat Issachar February 24, 1996 (AS 30) Cooking
Barony of Marinus, Atlantia
Mizuno Sakami February 27, 2021 (AS 55) Barony of Nottinghill Coill, Atlantia
Moira Maureen ua Seamus of the Green Hills April 25, 1981 (AS 15) Barony of Storvik, Atlantia
Mordeyrn Tremayne May 2, 1998 (AS 33) Barony of Raven's Cove, Atlantia
Morgan Wolfsinger December 10, 1994 (AS 29) Bardic Barony of Black Diamond, Atlantia
Morgana de Mont St. Michel January 31, 2004 (AS 38) Barony of Black Diamond, Atlantia
Morina Felix known as Mor the Merry August 30, 2003 (AS 38) Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
Morvran Corbet de la Flamme February 23, 1991 (AS 25) Canton of Caer Gelynniog, Atlantia
Muin maqq Mínaín May 25, 1997 (AS 32) Unknown
Muirean nic Ruaidhri April 29, 1977 (AS 11) Unknown
Mungo Maglinchie February 26, 2005 (AS 39) Research - Games Barony of Marinus, Atlantia
Murin Dunn September 8, 2018 (AS 53) Canton of Middlegate, Atlantia
Myfanwy O'Mwyle ni Cambion Unknown Unknown
Myrra Fionnbhair of Argyll December 3, 1994 (AS 29) Dance - Middle Eastern Kingdom of East
Naila al-Zarqa' June 1, 2019 (AS 54) Barony of Black Diamond, Atlantia
Naran Numuchi, Bagshi May 25, 2019 (AS 54) Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia
Nathon of Arindale September 19, 1992 (AS 27) Calligraphy and Illumination Barony of Bright Hills, Atlantia
Nezhka Orshinaia February 12, 2022 (AS 56) Barony of Raven's Cove, Atlantia
Niall Duncan MacFarlane August 12, 1992 (AS 27) Music - bagpiping Kingdom of An Tir
Niall McKennett April 7, 1984 (AS 18) Dance Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia
Nicholas Demere of the Oaken Staff March 3, 1984 (AS 18) Kingdom of Artemisia
Nicolosa de Misura d'Isenfir January 28, 2017 (AS 51) Dance - European Renaissance Dance Shire of Isenfir, Atlantia
Nina of Bright Hills August 1, 2013 (AS 48) Barony of Bright Hills, Atlantia
Niobe Lais June 17, 2000 (AS 35) Clothing - accessories and headwear Kingdom of Ansteorra
Nuala of Needwood  Member is deceased - 7/18/2014 February 4, 2012 (AS 46) Shire of Roxbury Mill, Atlantia
Oda Wlslagre dicta Widoeghe September 21, 2013 (AS 48) Kingdom of West
Oddny Knarrarbringa May 1, 2004 (AS 39) Fiber - Sprang Barony of Sacred Stone, Atlantia
Olaf Askoldssonn September 21, 1985 (AS 20) Calligraphy and Illumination Barony of Nottinghill Coill, Atlantia
Olaf Stammkopf January 26, 2019 (AS 53) Canton of Saint Georges, Atlantia
Olivia Isabelle  Member has picture March 5, 2016 (AS 50) Calligraphy and Illumination Barony of Caer Mear, Atlantia
Olivier de Bayonne February 12, 2005 (AS 39) Poetry Barony of Nottinghill Coill, Atlantia
Ollam Failenn Chu ingen ui Fhaelain June 24, 2017 (AS 52) Calligraphy and Illumination Barony of Stierbach, Atlantia
Olwen the Odd October 13, 2001 (AS 36) Cooking - sotelties Kingdom of Atlantia
Orlaith Carey  Member has scroll picture February 17, 2007 (AS 41) Lace-making - bobbinlace
Barony of Storvik, Atlantia
Osman Usta October 9, 1982 (AS 17) Barony of Sacred Stone, Atlantia
Otel Altunat October 22, 2011 (AS 46) Barony of Stierbach, Atlantia
Owen Sherard Trahern February 9, 2008 (AS 42) Barony of Bright Hills, Atlantia
Pagane nic Ghillie Fhaolain February 24, 2024 (AS 58) Casting - Silver casting, with niello applied Barony of Sacred Stone, Atlantia
Paganus Akritas January 21, 2023 (AS 57) Barony of Marinus, Atlantia
Patriche del Lupo January 14, 1989 (AS 23) Barony of Hawkwood, Atlantia
Patris de Terra Lepori January 23, 2021 (AS 55) Canton of Crois Brigte, Atlantia
Patronne Murienne l'aloiere May 3, 2014 (AS 49) Canton of Elvegast, Atlantia
Perronnelle la paintre June 2, 2007 (AS 42) Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia
Philippa Tillinghast March 3, 2007 (AS 41) Calligraphy and Illumination - Guildmistress of Baronial Scriptorium Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
Phillip of Ghent September 14, 1985 (AS 20) Barony of Dun Carraig, Atlantia
Philomene de Lys August 7, 2019 (AS 54) Calligraphy and Illumination Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
Pippa Morosini February 24, 2007 (AS 41) Music - Vocal
Clothing - 14th/15th Century
Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia
Rabah az-Zafir  Member has picture March 21, 1998 (AS 32) Research - Games Barony of Marinus, Atlantia
Rachel de Johnstone October 3, 1992 (AS 27) Barony of Sacred Stone, Atlantia
Rachel Wallace  Member has picture November 18, 2000 (AS 35) Weaving - Tablet Weaving Canton of Cydllan Downs, Atlantia
Ragnveig Snorradóttir March 2, 2019 (AS 53) Barony of Lochmere, Atlantia
Ranulf of Waterford  Member has picture September 29, 2001 (AS 36) Woodworking Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia
Rebecca the Contrary February 12, 2005 (AS 39) Unknown
Rebekah de Veryan January 7, 1995 (AS 29) Canton of Elvegast, Atlantia
Renata von Hentzau  Member has picture November 16, 2002 (AS 37) Calligraphy and Illumination Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia
Reynard de la Rochefoucauld March 30, 1996 (AS 30) Barony of Lochmere, Atlantia
Rhiannon of Berra  Member has picture April 16, 2005 (AS 39) Weaving Canton of Rivers Point, Atlantia
Rhonwen verch Tuder  Member has picture August 5, 2009 (AS 44) Calligraphy and Illumination
Glasswork - Stained Glass
Barony of Stierbach, Atlantia
Rhys Terfan Greydragon  Member is deceased - 10/6/2018 January 9, 1993 (AS 27) Brewing
Kingdom of Atlantia
Richard de Montbrai  Member has picture  Member is deceased January 11, 1986 (AS 20) Leatherwork Barony of Storvik, Atlantia
Richard Wymarc  Member has picture February 5, 2011 (AS 45) Barony of Stierbach, Atlantia
Richard Wyn June 18, 2011 (AS 46) Barony of Bright Hills, Atlantia
Rieinmelt ferch Owain November 4, 2000 (AS 35) Barony of Dun Carraig, Atlantia
Rikissa Ravattulalainen September 23, 2023 (AS 58) Barony of Sacred Stone, Atlantia
Rinaldo Diego January 7, 1995 (AS 29) Unknown
Rinn October 15, 2022 (AS 57) Barony of Nottinghill Coill, Atlantia
Robert Bedingfield April 2, 2005 (AS 39) Clothing - mens 16th cen. Barony of Lochmere, Atlantia
Robert de Bardoulf  Member has picture September 4, 1993 (AS 28) Cooking Canton of Ritterwald, Atlantia
Robert Whitcome of Brandywine February 21, 1981 (AS 15) Unknown
Robin of Mannefeld September 24, 1977 (AS 12) Canton of Elvegast, Atlantia
Roland de Mounteney October 20, 2001 (AS 36) Shire of Roxbury Mill, Atlantia
Rosalind Delamere June 26, 2004 (AS 39) Clothing - 16th Cen.
Research - Art of Defense
Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
Rosalind Jehanne  Member has picture July 12, 1997 (AS 32) Shire of Seareach, Atlantia
Rosamunde von Muenstern September 19, 1981 (AS 16) Embroidery Barony of Tir-y-Don, Atlantia
Rosanella Vespucci September 3, 2011 (AS 46) Kingdom of Atlantia
Rosatrude the Shrew September 14, 1991 (AS 26) Diverse Arts - bone & amber carving Barony of Black Diamond, Atlantia
Rose of Black Diamond January 6, 1996 (AS 30) Barony of Dun Carraig, Atlantia
Rowan Berran McDowell June 6, 2009 (AS 44) Barony of Bright Hills, Atlantia
Rowen the Shiftless  Member has picture  Member is deceased - 3/21/2018 May 20, 2000 (AS 35) Calligraphy and Illumination Barony of Hidden Mountain, Atlantia
Roxana Greenstreet January 15, 2000 (AS 34) Lace-making Barony of Marinus, Atlantia
Ruaidhri an Cu  Member has picture April 28, 2001 (AS 35) Bardic Shire of Roxbury Mill, Atlantia
Ruiseart Niall Stillbhard March 5, 1988 (AS 22) Clothing
Barony of Marinus, Atlantia
Rúna Skógadóttir November 20, 2021 (AS 56) Barony of Stierbach, Atlantia
Sabine la Peureuse October 30, 1993 (AS 28) Calligraphy and Illumination Unknown
Sadb ingen Chonchobair September 22, 2018 (AS 53) Research - Early medieval Irish animal husbandry, textiles, and household life/material culture.
Textile/Fiber Arts - Raising Finnsheep, hand-shearing, combing, hand-spinning, WWL weaving.
Carving - Wood & bone textile processing tools.
Leatherwork - Parchment, fur tawing and oil preservation.
Calligraphy and Illumination - Making & using parchment, pigments, duck feather and glair.
Canton of Seven Hills, Atlantia
Salvia Repentina March 30, 2024 (AS 58) Barony of Bright Hills, Atlantia
Saviya degli Zingari  Member is deceased - 11/15/2020 August 13, 1997 (AS 32) Canton of Cydllan Downs, Atlantia
Scholastica Joycors September 23, 2017 (AS 52) Barony of Lochmere, Atlantia
Seamus MacWhellan May 27, 2017 (AS 52) Barony of Caer Mear, Atlantia
Seonaid ní Fhionn September 24, 1988 (AS 23) Embroidery Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
Seumas ap Gwalchmai February 8, 2020 (AS 54) Shire of Roxbury Mill, Atlantia
Siegfried Sebastian Faust June 30, 2007 (AS 42) Brewing
Barony of Highland Foorde, Atlantia
Sieglinde Achtermann March 11, 1995 (AS 29) Calligraphy and Illumination Kingdom of Ansteorra
Signy Biarnardottir March 23, 2019 (AS 53) Barony of Stierbach, Atlantia
Signy Heri March 25, 2023 (AS 57) Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
Sigrid Bríánsdotter  Member has picture January 25, 2014 (AS 48) Diverse Arts Barony of Lochmere, Atlantia
Sigurd Ericsson of Bergen March 3, 1990 (AS 24) Armoring Barony of Stierbach, Atlantia
Simon de Spaldyng February 26, 2023 (AS 57) Incipient Shire of Ursus Bay, Atlantia
Sine ni Dheaghaidh January 27, 2001 (AS 35) Embroidery
Barony of Sacred Stone, Atlantia
Siobhan Maglinchie March 6, 2004 (AS 38) Jewelry - Viking wire weaving Barony of Marinus, Atlantia
Siobhán NicDhuinnshléibhe March 1, 2003 (AS 37) Barony of Hawkwood, Atlantia
Siobhan O'Riordain January 7, 1995 (AS 29) Barony of Lochmere, Atlantia
Síonan úa Díarmúit March 2, 2019 (AS 53) Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
Síthmaith inghean mhic Aoidh December 8, 2001 (AS 36) Calligraphy and Illumination Barony of Hidden Mountain, Atlantia
Slaine inghean ui Sheachnasaigh January 13, 2024 (AS 58) Textile/Fiber Arts - coiled basketry and applications
Metalwork - loop-in-loop chains
Barony of Sacred Stone, Atlantia
Solvarr Hammerson March 5, 2005 (AS 39) Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
Sonya Flicker called Patches April 1, 2023 (AS 57) Barony of Storvik, Atlantia
Sophia Kress March 1, 2008 (AS 42) Unknown
Sophia Orange March 7, 2015 (AS 49) - "Performing Arts" was the art noted on my scroll, and I know my own skills focus on commedia dell' arte, dance, and dance music. Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
Sophia Veronica of Falconcree May 18, 2002 (AS 37) Canton of Falconcree, Atlantia
Sorcha Crowe October 17, 2009 (AS 44) Brewing - Research, crafting, teaching Barony of Storvik, Atlantia
Sorcha de Glys January 5, 2002 (AS 36) Diverse Arts - pavillion making Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia
Stanford of Sheffield January 20, 1989 (AS 23) Woodworking Barony of Lochmere, Atlantia
Stefan of Cambion January 20, 2007 (AS 41) Dance Barony of Black Diamond, Atlantia
Stefan von Kiel September 23, 2017 (AS 52) Barony of Stierbach, Atlantia
Stephan Grimm August 6, 2015 (AS 50) Barony of Stierbach, Atlantia
Stephen the Devious January 11, 1992 (AS 26) Unknown
Strykar Geirhaldsson February 24, 1996 (AS 30) Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia
Subetei of the brush February 1, 2014 (AS 48) Calligraphy and Illumination Barony of Highland Foorde, Atlantia
Sunneva de Cleia  Member has picture  Member has scroll picture September 20, 2008 (AS 43) Calligraphy and Illumination Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
Sunniva Kyrre March 30, 2013 (AS 47) Canton of Sudentorre, Atlantia
Susanna Grey August 13, 1997 (AS 32) Barony of Stierbach, Atlantia
Susanna Schweißguth  Member has picture  Member is deceased - 3/30/2023 March 1, 2003 (AS 37) Knitting - Spinning Barony of Sacred Stone, Atlantia
Sveva la Lucciola June 1, 2002 (AS 37) Unknown
Sydney Talbot May 27, 2017 (AS 52) Barony of Lochmere, Atlantia
Syele von Dampach February 22, 2020 (AS 54) Barony of Sacred Stone, Atlantia
Sysselye Bulleyn  Member has picture April 6, 2024 (AS 58) Barony of Tir-y-Don, Atlantia
Sæunn hima October 7, 2023 (AS 58) Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia
Tadhg mac Aodháin uí Chonchobhair August 16, 1995 (AS 30) Kingdom of Ansteorra
Taira no Akiyo March 4, 2006 (AS 40) Weaving - Double Turn Double Faced Tablet Weaving
Culture - Japanese
Fiber - Spinning
Barony of Bright Hills, Atlantia
Tala al-Zahra  Member has picture September 22, 2018 (AS 53) Barony of Highland Foorde, Atlantia
Talia de Morales March 6, 2021 (AS 55) Poetry
Woodworking - bowmaking
Archery - archery equipment
Barony of Lochmere, Atlantia
Tangwystl ferch Dafydd August 14, 1996 (AS 31) Barony of Caer Mear, Atlantia
Tankred Bras-de-Fer May 13, 2017 (AS 52) Canton of Elvegast, Atlantia
Tannis of Tir-y-Don  Member has picture September 8, 1984 (AS 19) Needlework Barony of Tir-y-Don, Atlantia
Tatiana Ivanovna March 24, 2018 (AS 52) Barony of Lochmere, Atlantia
Tegan de Moreton July 5, 2003 (AS 38) Jewelry - Bead making Barony of Hidden Mountain, Atlantia
Teleri Barod January 16, 2010 (AS 44) Barony of Storvik, Atlantia
Teleri Talgellawg October 9, 1982 (AS 17) Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia
Temair MacDiarmada October 14, 2000 (AS 35) Barony of Storvik, Atlantia
Thea de Nes February 8, 2020 (AS 54) Barony of Dun Carraig, Atlantia
Theodora Delamore January 5, 2002 (AS 36) Clothing - Accessories Shire of Roxbury Mill, Atlantia
Therasa du Domremy April 3, 1982 (AS 16) Clothing Barony of Storvik, Atlantia
Thjora Arnketilsdóttir  Member has picture September 14, 1991 (AS 26) Clothing Canton of Caer Gelynniog, Atlantia
Thomas Broadpaunch June 3, 2000 (AS 35) Poetry Barony of Black Diamond, Atlantia
Thomas Smyth of Ayr  Member is deceased - 3/21/2011 January 5, 1991 (AS 25) Music Barony of Nottinghill Coill, Atlantia
Thomas Wakefield April 7, 1984 (AS 18) Calligraphy and Illumination Barony of Hidden Mountain, Atlantia
Thor Thor August 6, 2015 (AS 50) Unknown
Thorbjorn inn Mikligerzki June 13, 1992 (AS 27) Barony of Tir-y-Don, Atlantia
Thorbrandr Olafsson October 18, 1986 (AS 21) Armoring Kingdom of Outlands
Thorgrimr inn kyrri May 20, 2006 (AS 41) Brewing Barony of Hawkwood, Atlantia
Thorvald Gundaarsson  Member is deceased - 4/13/2010 October 18, 1986 (AS 21) Shire of Roxbury Mill, Atlantia
Thorvald Hrafnsson March 25, 1995 (AS 29) Unknown
Thyre of Andovere  Member has picture March 3, 2007 (AS 41) Clothing Barony of Marinus, Atlantia
Tirloch of Tallaght  Member has picture  Member is deceased - 3/12/2012 June 15, 2002 (AS 37) Cooking - German Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia
Tirzah di Nola  Member has scroll picture February 17, 2007 (AS 41) Cooking Barony of Storvik, Atlantia
Tnek the Ainissestor March 20, 1999 (AS 33) Archery - fletching Barony of Tir-y-Don, Atlantia
Tojenareum Grenville of Devon September 23, 1978 (AS 13) Barony of Caer Mear, Atlantia
Tom Drumbuilder September 1, 2012 (AS 47) Barony of Hawkwood, Atlantia
Tomas de Montroig May 27, 2000 (AS 35) Cooking - esp. research Barony of Caer Mear, Atlantia
Torquil MacTaggart the Steadfast March 24, 2001 (AS 35) Barony of Sacred Stone, Atlantia
Toth Eva Franciska June 17, 2023 (AS 58) Barony of Sacred Stone, Atlantia
Tristan Alexander October 31, 1992 (AS 27) Barony of Bright Hills, Atlantia
Tr�phine la Broderesse January 9, 2010 (AS 44) Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
Tryggvi Grabardr Olsen December 1, 1990 (AS 25) Calligraphy and Illumination Kingdom of Artemisia
Tsunetomi Todomu July 8, 1989 (AS 24) Culture - Japanese Barony of Storvik, Atlantia
Typhaine de Loheac April 6, 2002 (AS 36) Shire of Seareach, Atlantia
Tyra Jonsdatter May 6, 2023 (AS 58) Barony of Nottinghill Coill, Atlantia
Uilleag Ó Conmhaic November 11, 2006 (AS 41) Armoring - cuir buoilli (hardened leather)
Leatherwork - embossing / period tooling techniques
Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
Uilliam MacCloskey January 5, 2002 (AS 36) Barony of Black Diamond, Atlantia
Úlfhildr Járnsaxa Svonudóttir May 29, 2021 (AS 56) Barony of Tir-y-Don, Atlantia
Ulrich Sigismund von Eisenstrand August 14, 1991 (AS 26) Unknown
Umm Samin bint Asad al-Isfahaniyya March 25, 2023 (AS 57) Unknown
Valgard av Mors June 22, 2013 (AS 48) Canton of Sudentorre, Atlantia
Veleda of Isenfir May 16, 1987 (AS 22) Calligraphy and Illumination
Culture - Byzantine
Kingdom of Middle
Vels inn Viggladi August 9, 2012 (AS 47) Barony of Lochmere, Atlantia
Violante de Sant Sebastian January 5, 2002 (AS 36) Barony of Highland Foorde, Atlantia
Virag Qara Bay February 13, 2010 (AS 44) Canton of Aire Faucon, Atlantia
Volodimir of Cambion October 12, 1985 (AS 20) Music Barony of Storvik, Atlantia
Vortigern May 25, 1991 (AS 26) Jewelry Canton of Cydllan Downs, Atlantia
Walter Bowman August 19, 1999 (AS 34) Barony of Lochmere, Atlantia
Wang Wei Yuan January 27, 2024 (AS 58) Barony of Sacred Stone, Atlantia
Watkyn of Kent January 10, 2009 (AS 43) College of Rencester, Atlantia
Wenllyan Goch January 19, 2019 (AS 53) Dance - Western European Dance Barony of Black Diamond, Atlantia
Wiglaf Sigeberhting June 22, 2013 (AS 48) Unknown
William le Younger September 14, 2013 (AS 48) Barony of Storvik, Atlantia
William Shopp Ratt February 5, 2011 (AS 45) Barony of Lochmere, Atlantia
Winifred Corbet de Wynterwood July 8, 1989 (AS 24) Kingdom of Northshield
Wistric Oftun May 25, 2013 (AS 48) Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
Wolfgang Monnich von Luppin September 24, 2011 (AS 46) Barony of Caer Mear, Atlantia
Wolfram von Taus March 5, 2005 (AS 39) Barony of Sacred Stone, Atlantia
Wulfstan Egweald January 9, 2016 (AS 50) Calligraphy and Illumination - I do all aspects of a scroll including gilding (flat and raised) and whitework Canton of Charlesbury Crossing, Atlantia
Xenophon Vaughn June 21, 1997 (AS 32) Barony of Lochmere, Atlantia
Yaakov HaMizrachi January 20, 2007 (AS 41) Bardic - Poetry, Storytelling, A Capella Singing, Filk Shire of Roxbury Mill, Atlantia
Ynes Garcia August 4, 2007 (AS 42) Barony of Storvik, Atlantia
Ysabeau Cameron  Member has picture September 23, 1978 (AS 13) Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia
Ysabeau ferch Gwalchaved June 2, 2018 (AS 53) Shire of Roxbury Mill, Atlantia
Yseulte Trevelyn June 18, 2011 (AS 46) Barony of Bright Hills, Atlantia
Ysolt la Bretonne  Member has picture February 27, 1999 (AS 33) Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
Ziyad al-'Attar  Member is deceased - 1/25/2021 May 27, 2017 (AS 52) Barony of Caer Mear, Atlantia
Zofia Anzelmanka May 25, 2024 (AS 59) Barony of Caer Mear, Atlantia
Ælfric Ecgeling September 7, 2024 (AS 59) Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
Ælfwynn of Witebi November 1, 2003 (AS 38) Weaving Shire of Roxbury Mill, Atlantia
Þorfinna Holludóttir November 18, 2023 (AS 58) Barony of Caer Mear, Atlantia
Þorgrímr kráka November 18, 2023 (AS 58) Barony of Stierbach, Atlantia

There are currently 682 Atlantian Pearls.

Known Active: 324
Known Out-Kingdom: 37
Known Deceased: 33

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