Pearl, Kingdom of Atlantia - Kingdom of Atlantia, SCA Inc

Mistress Sophia Orange

No Picture Available Order of the Pearl

- "Performing Arts" was the art noted on my scroll, and I know my own skills focus on commedia dell' arte, dance, and dance music.

March 7, 2015 (AS 49)
By Michael X and Seonaid VIII
King and Queen of Atlantia
No Device Image Available

Azure, a crescent between flaunches and on a chief argent five mullets azure, for augmentation on a chief Or a domino mask sable and a narwhal naiant vert

Name registered with the College of Arms in April 2016
Device registered with the College of Arms in August 2021

Award Date Kingdom Branch Award
8/9/2023 Atlantia Laurel
4/17/2004 Middle Order of the Dragon's Heart
4/17/2004 Middle Order of the Evergreen
3/7/2015 Atlantia Companion of the Pearl
5/13/2017 Atlantia Companion of the Golden Dolphin
7/26/1997 Middle Award of Arms
1/30/1999 Middle Award of the Purple Fret
7/28/2001 Middle Order of the Willow
6/10/2017 Middle Court Baroness
9/28/2013 Atlantia Award of the Undine
2/22/2014 Atlantia King's Award of Excellence
3/5/2016 Atlantia Augmentation of Arms
9/23/2017 Atlantia Award of the Fountain
6/8/2019 Atlantia Award of the Silver Nautilus
1/9/2021 Atlantia Augmentation of Arms
6/26/2021 Atlantia Award of the Fountain
3/5/2022 Atlantia Companion of the Queen's Order of Courtesy
8/8/2022 Atlantia Augmentation of Arms
9/23/2023 Atlantia Augmentation of Arms (Golden Lamp)
5/11/2013 Atlantia Windmasters' Hill Companion of the Boreas
2/22/2014 Atlantia Windmasters' Hill Companion of the Kitty Hawk
11/12/2016 Atlantia Windmasters' Hill Award of the Notus
2/27/2021 Atlantia Windmasters' Hill Award of the Notus

There are 23 awards.

Contact the Clerk of Precedence with any corrections to the award listing.

Home Branch: Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia

Personal Website:

Other Information:
My band's website:
My commedia troupe's website:

My performance skills are in commedia dell' arte, dance, and dance music of SCA period. I am also very well familiar with most other forms of performing arts including those considered "bardic", theater, foolery, and anything that involves a performer and audience.

I also co-created with Niccolo Bartolazzi the Pennsic Performing Arts track for Commedia, Foolery, and Physical Theater under the Pennsic University College of Performing Arts. We began as official staff in 2012 and I passed the torch to the new Commedia Lead in 2018.

Contact the Order Principal to upload your Pearl scroll for viewing.

Alternate Names: Sophia of Sternfeld, Sophia l'Orange, Sofia of Sternfeld (9/95; retained as alternate)

Contact Information:
Mistress Sophia Orange (Lara Coutinho)
orangesophie AT

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