Pearl, Kingdom of Atlantia - Kingdom of Atlantia, SCA Inc

Master Evan da Collaureo

No Picture Available Order of the Pearl

Music - Instrumental (woodwinds and brass) and choral singing

May 5, 2007 (AS 42)
By Valharic I and Arielle III
King and Queen of Atlantia
Per fess gules and sable, on a mountain of three peaks couped Or a sackbut fesswise, bell to sinister sable, for augmentation in canton a portcullis Or.

Per fess gules and sable, on a mountain of three peaks couped Or a sackbut fesswise, bell to sinister sable, for augmentation in canton a portcullis Or.

Name registered with the College of Arms in May 1992
Device registered with the College of Arms in May 1992

Award Date Kingdom Branch Award
2/21/2004 Atlantia Pelican
4/5/1997 Atlantia Companion of the Golden Dolphin
5/5/2007 Atlantia Companion of the Pearl
8/29/1992 Atlantia Award of Arms
8/12/2010 Atlantia Augmentation of Arms
8/8/2022 Atlantia Augmentation of Arms
5/31/1997 Atlantia Stierbach Companion of Saint Roch - Premier
11/17/2001 Atlantia Stierbach Holder of the Dreamer's Cup - Premier

There are 8 awards.

Contact the Clerk of Precedence with any corrections to the award listing.

Home Branch: Barony of Stierbach, Atlantia

Personal Website:

Other Information:
Interests include (but are certainly NOT limited to) heraldry, music, games, dancing, cooking, teaching, history, C&I, and fiber arts. I'm a science geek and have an interest in *why* things work the way they do; I may end up teaching classes about the science behind certain things in A&S. Companion of the Orders of the Pelican, Golden Dolphin and Pearl, and am more often found doing service stuff in general.

Contact the Order Principal to upload your Pearl scroll for viewing.

Device image courtesy of Etienne Le Mons

Contact Information:
Master Evan da Collaureo

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