Pearl, Kingdom of Atlantia - Kingdom of Atlantia, SCA Inc

Baroness Rowen the Shiftless

Deceased March 21, 2018 (AS 52)

Rowen the Shiftless Order of the Pearl

Calligraphy and Illumination

May 20, 2000 (AS 35)
By Ragnarr I and Kyneburh I
King and Queen of Atlantia
Gules semy-de-lys Or, a lion couchant argent.

Gules semy-de-lys Or, a lion couchant argent.

Name registered with the College of Arms in September 1995
Device registered with the College of Arms in August 2004

Award Date Kingdom Branch Award
5/20/2000 Atlantia Companion of the Pearl
9/23/2000 Atlantia Grant of Arms
7/22/2006 Atlantia Companion of the Golden Dolphin
1/14/1995 Atlantia Award of Arms
5/19/2007 Atlantia Companion of the Quintain
5/17/2008 Atlantia Court Baroness
5/20/2000 Atlantia Award of the Silver Nautilus
10/26/2002 Atlantia Award of the Herring
4/24/2004 Atlantia Hidden Mountain Territorial Baroness, Retired - RETIRED 5/17/2008
1/14/1995 Atlantia Hidden Mountain Order of the Sable Mountain
6/17/1996 Atlantia Hidden Mountain Order of the Sable Mountain
1/30/1999 Atlantia Hidden Mountain Baroness' Award of Courtesy
9/18/1999 Atlantia Hidden Mountain Order of the Pinnacle of the Mountain
1/29/2000 Atlantia Hidden Mountain Order of the Azure Mountain
5/11/2002 Atlantia Hidden Mountain Baron's Award of Excellence
4/10/2004 Atlantia Hidden Mountain Baroness' Award of Courtesy

There are 16 awards.

Contact the Clerk of Precedence with any corrections to the award listing.

Home Branch: Barony of Hidden Mountain, Atlantia

Other Information:
Current Interest are as always Calligraphy and Illumination, Pewter casting, International/cultural cooking, Garb embelishment, Wood Working, Costuming, Equestrian arts, and research on various medieval subjects to include Drollerys in Manuscripts, Cadels, Pilgramages, and the Medieval hunt.
I am Landed Baronage for Hidden Mountain at Present and just before becoming Baroness I was Scrivner Royal for Atlantia 2003/2004 , before that I founded the Baronial Scribes Guild for Hidden Mountain and was its head from 1995-2003,I enjoy autocrating events and feastocrating ,I am the Baronial A&S minister from aprox 2001 to Present, and did one term as Canton A&S minister though I don't remember what year, I was also Baronial Senechale for Hidden Mountain in aprox. 1999.
I am Head of the Household "Tieg Lionna Banna" an Arts and Service household based in Hidden Mountain, You may remember us from the Black and Gold garb we wear that brandishes a Lion sleeping within the circle of the world dragon. We accept members from all over the SCA.

I don't have any students per say, but at one time I was teaching Illumination to THL Brianna ingen Eireannagh, and THL Sithmaith Nic Aoidh. the three of us made up the bulk of the Baronial Scribes guilduntil lately when we got more art people in Our midst like,THL Tegan de Morten, Baron Guilllaume De Bracy and Lord Aaren Rebelinus not to mention all the new eager gentles who are learning, and helping the Barony in its quest to give out only hand made scrolls. No printers or magic markers for us! Can you tell I am so proud of them all?

Contact the Order Principal to upload your Pearl scroll for viewing.

Device image courtesy of Rowen the Shiftless

Contact Information:
Baroness Rowen the Shiftless (Christina Waring)
104 Stephen Court
Summerville, SC 29483 USA
rowencat AT

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