Pearl, Kingdom of Atlantia - Kingdom of Atlantia, SCA Inc

Lady Laelia Sulpiciana

No Picture Available Order of the Pearl

Clothing - Imperial Rome

December 15, 2007 (AS 42)
By Logan V and Rowan I
King and Queen of Atlantia
No Device Image Available

Or, a pomegranate slipped and leaved within an orle gules.

Name registered with the College of Arms in March 2018
Device registered with the College of Arms in March 2018

Award Date Kingdom Branch Award
12/15/2007 Atlantia Companion of the Pearl
8/18/2005 Atlantia Award of Arms
3/3/2007 Atlantia Companion of the Coral Branch
2/18/2006 Atlantia Ponte Alto Onore del Ponte d'Oro

There are 4 awards.

Contact the Clerk of Precedence with any corrections to the award listing.

Home Branch: Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia

Other Information:
Following is an overview of my areas of focus, current as of November 2019:

* PAX ROMANA - My primary area of interest is Imperial Roman clothing, accessories, and culture in the first two centuries CE in the city of Rome and neighboring areas (e.g., Pompeii, Ostia, Hernaculeum). I pursue "side streets" from my Italic penninsula focus when something catches my eye; e.g., Romano-British sling shot has me wondering about metallurgy.

* MIGRATION AGE GOTLAND - The island of Gotland in the Vendel and Viking Ages is drawing my attention: the island's unique material culture (and wealth!) are fascinating, and I am iteratively working on a set of women's pectoral beads (i.e., brooch beads). Basic clothing research, naturally, has accompanied my beads project as I want to wear them :-) but my primary skills development has been around researching and interpreting grave finds and jewelry (re)construction.

* PEER - My Laurel & Pelican Mistress Genvieve d'Acquitaine is happy to connect me with anyone who would like to explore other topics I have sources for, have researched and/or developed: Anatolian and Osmanli cultures; Migration era Rus men's clothing, Republican Rome, Middle and Late Roman Empire, Imperial Roman colonies (especially Germania and Britannia), tapestry weaving, textile braiding, Swedish archaeology, van der Weyden, and mosaics.

Contact the Order Principal to upload your Pearl scroll for viewing.

Alternate Names: Iohanna filia Iacobi (1/06), Siobhan of Ponte Alto, Laelia

Contact Information:
Lady Laelia Sulpiciana (Laura Storey)
(703) 634-9639 (Mobile)
lestorey AT

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