Pearl, Kingdom of Atlantia - Kingdom of Atlantia, SCA Inc

Master Subetei of the brush

(Registered Name: Subetai al-Katib)

No Picture Available Order of the Pearl

Calligraphy and Illumination

February 1, 2014 (AS 48)
By Ragnarr IV and Lynette I
King and Queen of Atlantia
Or, a horse courant contourny gules and on a chief sable a sheaf of three arrows fesswise Or.

Or, a horse courant contourny gules and on a chief sable a sheaf of three arrows fesswise Or.

Name (Subetai al-Katib) registered with the College of Arms in January 2016
Device registered with the College of Arms in January 2010

Award Date Kingdom Branch Award
7/8/2017 Atlantia Laurel
2/1/2014 Atlantia Companion of the Pearl
3/6/2004 Atlantia Companion of the Coral Branch
6/29/2013 Atlantia Companion of the Opal
10/4/2014 Atlantia Award of the Undine
10/4/2014 Atlantia Augmentation of Arms
8/8/2022 Atlantia Augmentation of Arms
1/29/2005 Atlantia Tir-y-Don Companion of the Whelk
3/19/2011 Atlantia Tir-y-Don Companion of the Swan and Cygnet
6/7/2014 Atlantia Highland Foorde Companion of the Order of the Lark
6/2/2018 Atlantia Highland Foorde Baronial Award of Excellence
5/4/2021 Atlantia Highland Foorde Baronial Award of Excellence

There are 12 awards.

Contact the Clerk of Precedence with any corrections to the award listing.

Home Branch: Barony of Highland Foorde, Atlantia

Personal Website:

Contact the Order Principal to upload your Pearl scroll for viewing.

Device image courtesy of Seamus the Tinker, 8/2012

Alternate Names: Subetei, Subetei of the Brush, Lachlann McQuhollastar (2/04)

Contact Information:
Master Subetei of the brush

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