Pearl, Kingdom of Atlantia - Kingdom of Atlantia, SCA Inc

Mistress Goodwife Michel Almond de Champagne

(Registered Name: Michel Almond de Champagne)

No Picture Available Order of the Pearl


March 7, 2020 (AS 54)
By Cuán VIII and Signy II
King and Queen of Atlantia
Per chevron lozengy argent and sable and purpure, in base a fleur-de-lys argent.

Per chevron lozengy argent and sable and purpure, in base a fleur-de-lys argent.

Name (Michel Almond de Champagne) registered with the College of Arms in December 1993
Device registered with the College of Arms in August 1999

Award Date Kingdom Branch Award
7/21/2001 East Laurel
10/15/2005 East Pelican
3/7/2020 Atlantia Companion of the Pearl
3/4/1995 East Award of Arms
10/5/1996 East Order of the Silver Crescent
9/12/1998 East Companion of the Maunche
4/6/2002 East Court Baroness
10/5/1996 East Consort's Award of Esteem
2/21/1998 East Consort's Order of Courtesy
4/4/1998 East Consort's Cypher
10/2/2004 East Sovereign's Cypher
4/14/2007 East Consort's Award of Esteem
4/14/2007 East Consort's Cypher
4/18/2015 East Augmentation of Arms
4/28/2018 Atlantia Award of the Fountain
10/6/2018 Atlantia Companion of the Nonpareil
10/5/2019 Atlantia Award of the Undine
10/1/2022 Atlantia Award of the Undine
11/9/1993 East Beyond the Mountain Companion of the White Oak
2/23/2019 Atlantia Windmasters' Hill Companion of the Kitty Hawk

There are 20 awards.

Contact the Clerk of Precedence with any corrections to the award listing.

Home Branch: Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia

Contact the Order Principal to upload your Pearl scroll for viewing.

Device image courtesy of Michel Almond de Champagne

Alternate Names: Michel Almond de Champaigne, Michel Almond de Champagne

Contact Information:
Mistress Goodwife Michel Almond de Champagne

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