Pearl, Kingdom of Atlantia - Kingdom of Atlantia, SCA Inc

Master Ciarán Mac Breandáin

(Registered Name: Ciaran Mac Breandain)

No Picture Available Order of the Pearl

Music - Research and transcription, composition, performance

February 27, 2021 (AS 55)
By Anton V & Luned IV
King and Queen of Atlantia
Quarterly Or and vert, two wyverns erect vert, for augmentation on a sinister canton vert, a narwhal haurient argent and on a bordure Or four pommes two and two.

Quarterly Or and vert, two wyverns erect vert, for augmentation on a sinister canton vert, a narwhal haurient argent and on a bordure Or four pommes two and two.

Name (Ciaran Mac Breandain) registered with the College of Arms in December 1993
Device registered with the College of Arms in July 2021

Award Date Kingdom Branch Award
3/5/2022 Atlantia Laurel
2/27/2021 Atlantia Companion of the Pearl
11/18/2023 Atlantia Companion of the Golden Dolphin
1/8/1994 Atlantia Award of Arms
8/8/2019 Atlantia Companion of the Coral Branch
3/4/2023 Atlantia Companion of the Opal
10/16/2004 West Defender of the West
10/2/2005 West Defender of the West
1/7/2006 West Paragon of Merriment
8/4/2008 West Crown's Favor
7/26/2013 Æthelmearc Æthelmearc Award of Excellence
6/8/2019 Atlantia Award of the Silver Nautilus
1/9/2021 Atlantia Augmentation of Arms
8/8/2022 Atlantia Augmentation of Arms
9/2/2023 Atlantia Award of the Herring
Unknown Atlantia Windmasters' Hill Companion of the Boreas

There are 16 awards.

Contact the Clerk of Precedence with any corrections to the award listing.

Home Branch: Barony of Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia

Personal Website:

Contact the Order Principal to upload your Pearl scroll for viewing.

Device image courtesy of Melchior zum grauen Wolf

Contact Information:
Master Ciarán Mac Breandáin (David V Gunter)
6120 Riverside Drive,
Wake Forest,, NC 27587
206-399-7908 (Home)
ciaran AT

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