Pearl, Kingdom of Atlantia - Kingdom of Atlantia, SCA Inc

Lord Imran Yosuf le Scorpioun

Imran Yosuf le Scorpioun Order of the Pearl


October 4, 1986 (AS 21)
Quarterly gules and sable, a swan rousant, wings displayed, argent, beaked and membered, within a bordure Or.

Quarterly gules and sable, a swan rousant, wings displayed, argent, beaked and membered, within a bordure Or.

Name registered with the College of Arms in April 1985
Device registered with the College of Arms in August 1987

Award Date Kingdom Branch Award
10/4/1986 Atlantia Companion of the Pearl
2/11/1984 Atlantia Award of Arms
3/20/1993 Atlantia Tir-y-Don Companion of the Swan and Cygnet
7/10/2021 Atlantia Black Diamond Companion of the Fettered Crane

There are 4 awards.

Contact the Clerk of Precedence with any corrections to the award listing.

Home Branch: Canton of Seven Hills, Atlantia

Other Information:
I’m a senior citizen. I originally joined during the 80’s I left for a while and rediscovered the SCA when I found a group at a local festival and that they Met regularly just up the road from me. I have rediscovered the joy and satisfaction of the dream, and roped my wife into joining in.
I have an AOA and I am a companion of the Pearl.

Contact the Order Principal to upload your Pearl scroll for viewing.

Device image courtesy of Thomasine Lestrange, Kingdom Roll of Arms Project

Alternate Names: Imran Yosef le Scorpioun

Contact Information:
Lord Imran Yosuf le Scorpioun (Dennis Cooke)
745 Izaak Walton Road
Amherst, VA 24521
(434) 661-7482 (Home)
imran4osm AT

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